Adjusting can prove to be more physically and emotionally taxing than the “job description” may read. “A 40-hour work week is a part-time job” – welcome to the catastrophe.
After being deployed to a claims site post a major “event”, discovering that you are under-equipped and/or ill-prepared for the work at hand can be humbling to say the least – a situation that neither a new licensee nor a seasoned adjuster ever wants to experience. Catastrophe sites are fast-paced, unforgiving, chaotic environments where the ability to adapt and overcome is rewarded by more work, longer hours and less sleep. It is work worth doing, but it is not easy.
In the words of Robbie Babson, our founder’s mentor and manager, “You’re an adjuster… Adjust!” It’s as important to be prepared with the equipment to get the job done as it is to be resilient, proficient, surefooted, and confident. In this business, you need all the necessary tools at your fingertips in order to be successful.
After disaster strikes, deployed insurance adjusters are under constant pressure to close as many claims as possible, and to do so accurately, effectively and expediently. Upon arrival on site post-catastrophic event, an adjuster or storm contractor may often find their assigned area to be as described… catastrophic. Homes are partially submerged under water. The general area may be lacking power as well as readily available fuel. Availability of tools necessary to perform the work deployed to complete can be scarce, as is prepared food. It can be commonplace to not be able to find lodging to get a good night’s sleep (I myself have slept in my truck countless times during my 13 Hurricane “cats”) which only adds to the challenge of staying sharp and focused. This is the gritty career path you have chosen; to help others recover in spite of turmoil. Now you’ve got it. Adjust.
The role of on-site claims adjusting, as well as the roles of mitigating and reconstructing contractors, requires long hours, physical strength, mental and physical stamina, and a high anxiety threshold; all of which, during a steady 16 hour work day, tends to take a toll. No excuses and no complaints. Victory loves preparation. Trips back and forth to your vehicle for a tool you forgot in order to get the job done… again? They can become the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The wasted time and steps are inexcusable and will become agonizing and frustrating as well as time-consuming…tearing at the very fabric of your mettle and your ability to perform as a professional.

The BullyBag Ultra Pouch is the ultimate field management tool carrier, available in several attachment configurations tailored for you to “Claim the Storm”.
The Bullybag Ultra Pouch is versatile, organized, functional, and warranty-protected for you. Simply put, it is high speed, low drag:
3 Different Attachment Styles
- Paddle – Ergonomic hip clip provides high-speed, low drag hip deployment of tools
- Babson – Belt-feed through channel allows you to use your own belt as you wish.
- Bandit – Padded belt provides a fully modular custom tool belt system able to add components as you wish
Each of the styles of The Bullybag Ultra Pouch provides a total of 12 tool carrying chambers:
- A business card chamber
- Floating main pouch for ease of cleaning
- 5 sealable hook ‘n’ loop pouches
- Hidden inside hook ‘n’ loop secure pouch perfect for tools such as a 100’ tape or other tool
- 2 hidden slots for a SideBar inspection pry-bar
- Haag shingle gauge, or other linear tool
- 2 pen & 2 battery slots so you are always ready
- 2 Delrin™ hooks for lightweight/quick hands-free control
- 4 Powder Coated D-Rings made for tethering gear; 3 elastic top ridged pockets with oversize flaps for phone, camera, laser measure, etc.
- Powder-coated utility/tape clip
- Available as an option is a series of weighted retractable retainers: The 2oz Badge Retainer (great for a badge or shingle gauge); 6oz retraction Gear Retainer (great for a light camera, gauges, etc); 8oz retraction Tool Retainer (clipboards, or other lightweight tools); and the 12oz retraction Xtreme Retainer (serious retraction)

At BullyBag, we design and manufacture industry tool solutions made for field adjusters, project managers, roof sales, gaffers, or anyone working in a non-installation capacity. The BullyBag Ultra Pouch, with its elastic ridged pockets and the variety of tool managers, is exceptional for those who work at heights. The Ultra Pouch is field-tested, organized, balanced, hip-holstered success made of Ballistic Nylon and double stitching to provide years of dependable heavy use. Check out our products for tethering Badge and Gear Retainers perfect for hedging against falling tool hazards or loss.
BullyBag is a USMC Veteran-owned small business that supports national and local anti-bullying and animal rescue efforts. Contribution, understanding, and humility – just a few of the virtues needed to make the world a better place.
Thank you for helping us make it possible to give back to those who “Stand for the Silent”. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns in regards to your shopping experience.
We hope you join our Pack today. However we may serve.
-Jerod Allen and the BullyBag Pack
BullyBag – Industry Tool Solutions Adjuster. Inspector. Estimator. Projection Managers. Sales. Bullybag. We are Industry Tool Solutions
Did You Know…
The BullyBag & Tool Company Inc. was born out of founder Jerod Allen’s own quest to find an adequate tool pouch while he was working as a claims adjuster back in 2011. Frustrated at the lack of tool pouch options for adjusters and estimators on the market, he began designing his own. After five years of developing what came to be known as the Bullybag Ultra Pouch, and hundreds of interviews with contractors and adjusters later between his own catastrophe deployments, he began field testing his prototypes.
While working Hurricane Irma, Jerod partnered with the weaponry bags manufacturer for the United States Marine Corps, and after dozens of tiresome revisions, the BullyBag Ultra Pouch, in all of its humble glory, was born.
BullyBag – Helping the “second responders” everywhere!
We help you help others while you Claim The Storm!®